homeopathic remedies

What is Homeopathy? And What It’s Not

October 23, 20243 min read

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine, developed in the late 18th century in Europe. Over the past 200 years, homeopathy has steadily spread across the globe, and it’s now used by over 200 million people regularly, making it the second most used medical system in the world. Homeopathy helps people regain their health and live their best life - whether working without pain, enjoying stress-free holidays, or reconnecting with loved ones.

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is based on the principle of “like cures like,” meaning that a substance causing symptoms in a healthy person can, when diluted, help treat similar symptoms in someone who is unwell. Homeopathy uses ultra-high dilutions to gently trigger your body’s healing ability without side effects.

Homeopathic remedies can help with a wide range of health concerns - from physical issues like a cut or cold, to emotional challenges like anxiety or stress. Homeopathy can relieve chronic pain, boost energy levels, and support emotional well-being. 

What Homeopathy Isn’t

Homeopathy is different from many other forms of medicine. Here’s a quick look at what it isn’t:

It’s Not Conventional Medicine

Conventional medicine often uses drugs or surgery to directly counteract or suppress symptoms. Homeopathy, on the other hand, stimulates your body to heal itself rather than masking symptoms. For example, instead of using a painkiller to relieve your headache, a homeopathic remedy would aim to treat the underlying imbalance causing it. Homeopathy addresses the root cause so you can live fully without relying on medications.

It’s Not Functional Medicine

Both homeopathy and functional medicine look at you as a whole person, but they approach healing differently. Functional medicine focuses on the biochemical level - on your diet and supplements to treat you. Homeopathy uses more subtle remedies that work with your body’s natural healing abilities.

It’s Not Herbal Medicine

Although homeopathy and herbal medicine both use natural substances, they differ in how the remedies are made and how they work. Herbal medicine uses whole plants or extracts, while homeopathy uses highly diluted substances. 

It’s not Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a form of herbal medicine that works with essential oils. Essential oils are extracts of flowers, and are therefore different from the highly diluted substances that are homeopathic remedies.

It’s Not Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

TCM focuses on balancing qi through practices like acupuncture and herbal treatments. Homeopathy doesn’t use needles or herbs. It’s based solely on matching your symptoms with a remedy that mimics those symptoms in a healthy person. 

How Homeopathic Remedies Work

Homeopathic remedies are gentle but powerful. Even though they’re highly diluted, they’re believed to carry an energetic imprint of the original substance. Like acupuncture, homeopathy stimulates your body’s energy to bring balance. Remedies are chosen based on your unique symptoms, making homeopathy highly personalised.

Why Choose Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a safe, natural way to support your health. Our non-toxic remedies work for all ages, from babies to the elderly, and can help with chronic issues like migraines or offer relief from a cold or minor injury. You can also use them alongside conventional treatments.

When you’re physically strong, emotionally resilient, and mentally clear, you can engage fully in work, enjoy time with loved ones, and pursue your passions. Homeopathy helps you live the life you want - whether that’s travelling pain-free or feeling emotionally balanced. While not a replacement for emergency medical care, homeopathy offers a long-term, gentle way to enhance your overall well-being, giving you more control over your health and life.

Anna Bihari is a licensed homeopath, therapeutic massage practitioner, reflexologist and holistic coach based in Brighton, UK - working with clients both locally and online worldwide.

Anna Bihari

Anna Bihari is a licensed homeopath, therapeutic massage practitioner, reflexologist and holistic coach based in Brighton, UK - working with clients both locally and online worldwide.

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